⭕️ Tbilisi Balneological Resort is a center of integrative medicine, where, in addition to physical and rehabilitation methods, classical medical approaches are successfully used.

👧👦 For many years, a pediatric department has been operating at the resort, serving small patients and giving their parents great hope.

👩‍⚕️ Mrs. Manana Diasamidze, a highly professional and experienced pediatrician, is known for her kindness and attentiveness. She has many grateful and satisfied patients. She provides prevention, timely detection, and effective treatment of children’s and adolescents’ diseases.

👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 All this significantly eases parents’ ability to manage their children’s health, as they can receive high-quality rehabilitation and general medical services in one place.

🙌 Thus, Tbilisi Balneological Resort, as a center of integrative medicine, successfully serves both adult patients and children and adolescents.

👉 Working hours of Manana Diasamidze: Monday, Wednesday, Friday – 10:00-15:00

📞 To book a visit, contact us: 0322 43 90 90 or 595 09 00 33